380 Miles
You know how all those folks from Phoenix are always telling us, "But it's a dry heat"? Motorcycle riders are often like that about rain. Sprinkles are okay. In fact, in the heat they are welcome. But the bike rider that tells you rain is "no big deal" is either crazy or lying. You bet your bippy it's a big thing. In heavy rain you can't see, the water on the road brings thoughts of hydroplaning, animals start pairing up...in short, it's just damn uncomfortable, and not a good thing. And I got it here in Columbus today. In spades.
It was drizzling in Nashville this morning when I pulled out. I circled downtown hoping for a couple of pictures of the Ryman Auditorium and 16th Avenue (great song by Lacy J. Dalton). But the rain changed from a sprinkle to drizzle, and there were about twenty to thirty homeless folks all camped out by the Ryman. I didn't want to stop and take pictures, let alone of them. Given the rain starting to come down they had their own set of problems and I didn't need to rub it in (I find it just too, too sad). Besides, I wanted to beat the rain outta town. I noticed it was clear to the north and east and that was where I was headed, so I booked it.

Again, all slab...but at least Kentucky and Ohio are prettier than the I-30 slab around Texarkana. For that matter, an English Bulldog is prettier than Texarkana.

About 47 miles south of where I-71 joins I-75 outside of Cincinnati. Seventy-eight mph and sailing. The good news? The GPS is running fine and the XM radio is spitting out all the great hits from the first 10 years of Rock N Roll!!! That's good.
Got to Columbus about 4:00pm, just as the bottom fell out. I learned later that one place nearby got 2 inches of rain within an hour. I don't know what I got, but it was more than I wanted. The water started piling up on the freeway very quickly and I could barely see through my goggles. I wear a pair of yellow-tinted goggles which fit over my glasses. That has always worked pretty well for me. But this time it was just too much rain.
I pulled off the freeway and found a gas station and hunkered down until the squall blew past. Thought it had worked out well since I needed gas anyway, but, when I started back out I ran into another, and heavier, thunderstorm with lightning popping around me so I pulled off at the next exit and got a room. I still remember the stories about the motorcyclist who was struck by lightning while on the slab in Denver. And then there's past behavior to consider. Nope. I'm outta there.
A look at the weather channel indicates I am in for a rainy spell through Thursday. And some cold. Oh well...Betsy's doing good, so onward.
Looks like you left early - and might be getting to Connecticut early. Please let us know your plans and wishes by email or phone (860-567-0790).
I know the song! One of my favorites.